GFRG (Glass Fiber Reenforced Gypsum)
Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum is a composite of high strength gypsum reinforced with glassfibers that can be factory molded into any physically conceivable shape or size. Primarily for interior use and installed and finished using a paint/drywall contractor. Typically weighs between 2-3lbs/ft² and is non-combustible.
Why GFRG is Superior To Traditional Castings and Materials
Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) is a cost-effective solution that outshines traditional plaster castings with its versatile applications. GFRG is lighter than traditional gypsum and can be formed to a better detail:
- Casted into complex shapes: GRG's liquid base allows for castings of any shape or curve, enhancing flexibility in design. Its quick setting time can expedite construction schedules, while its lightweight yet durable nature (2-3+lbs/ft²) ensures lasting architectural features.
- Minimized shipping costs: Being so light, shipping costs are kept to a minimum when transporting to a jobsite.
- Address specific designs at lower cost: Can address any design intent specified at a lower cost than traditional materials, such as brick, wood or stone.

Advantages: Low Maintenance, Sturdy, and Long Lasting
- Flame retardent: Allows for easy packaging, transporation, and storage
- Immune to mold, moisture: GFRG absords less waer compared to gypsum, and therefore has long-term performance abilities, and will also not rust or rot. This also makes it immune to mold and moisture.
- Safe: Non-combustible nature enhances fire safety in interior installations.
- No cracking: With a high impact resistance, GFRG is strong and not prone to cracking.
On top of GFRG, we also provide GFRC casting
Both Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) and Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) are materials used in the construction industry for their strength and lightness compared to traditional materials, and both of them incorporate glass fibers to enhance their properties. However, they do have several key differences due to the different base materials used. GFRG is typically used for interior applications, as it is not designed to withstand weathering. It’s commonly used for decorative elements such as cornices, columns, moldings, and ceiling domes.
GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete)
- GFRC uses a mixture of cement, sand, water, and glass fibers.
- Stronger than traditional concrete due to the incorporated glass fibers. It’s also lighter in weight, which makes it easier and more cost-effective to install.
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors, and is more resistant to weathering and moisture than GFRG.
- Commonly used for exterior architectural products like panels, facade cladding, decorative shapes, and outdoor furniture.
- Can also be used to create realistic faux-stone or other textures, as it can be dyed and molded into a variety of shapes and appearances.
While both GFRG and GFRC involve the use of glass fibers for reinforcement, they differ in their base materials (gypsum vs concrete), their weather resistance (GFRC being more resistant), and typical applications (GFRG more for interiors, GFRC for both interiors and exteriors). The choice between the two will depend on the specific requirements of the project at hand.
We are ready to be your supplier of the highest quality foam in Las Vegas
Whether it be foam, casting, or recycling, come into contact with us today!
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